News / Announcements

Audio Description for Dance Returns – November 2024

Sponsored by Movement Research, all workshops take place online via Zoom, on Saturdays from 4 PM to 6 PM (Eastern/New York Time)

To register for any or all of these workshops, please write to as soon as possible to complete the registration process.

Saturday, November 16, 2024:
How to Watch Dance – an Audio Description Workshop for Audio Describers and Blind Audiences (New!)

This workshop guides the participants through the entire process of researching and preparing to watch a dance performance, using that research to watch an audio described dance performance in a critical way, and making a group assessment about 1) whether the expectations formed through our research about the performance itself were fulfilled, and 2) whether the audio description of the performance was effective, accurate, and served the purpose of the performance. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024:
Narrative Components in Audio Description for Dance

One of the greatest challenges for audio describers of dance is balancing movement description with essential narrative components. While some dance companies provide narrative information about dance in a synopsis before the performance, we here in the Dark Room argue that the synopsis is inadequate to help blind and visually impaired audiences truly immerse themselves in the art. Learn how to connect story and movement through examples and creation.

Saturday, November 30, 2024:
Script Preparation Strategies for Audio Description for Dance – Multiple Pathways!

Where do audio description scripts come from? It depends! This workshop will discuss multiple approaches to getting started on an audio description script, depending on multiple factors: access to artists involved with the project, prior knowledge, type of audience, style of performance, timeframes, and so on and so forth. This is a great introduction to script writing for audio description novices, and a great opportunity for audio description fans to express themselves.